1. Today 16th February 2025 we are concluding the celebration
of our Parish harvest week. Cheques are payable to ST.
AUSTIN’S PARISH and our Pay-bill No. is 593500 and the
account Name is HARVEST WEEK.
2. Today there will be Mass for the sick and their care givers at 2.00 p.m.
3. Pontifical Missionary Children (PMC) will have their annual Mass on Saturday 22nd February 2025 at 10:00 am. The mass will be at St. Mary’s Ground. All the children are encouraged to attend.
4. Dear Parishioners, Couples for Christ (CFC) St. Austin’s appreciate you for celebrating the World Marriage Day and renewing your vows during this Mass. Join us in the journey of enriching our marriages. Those Couples who wish to join Couples for Christ kindly contact our secretary Jacinta Mutangili on 0711345239. You are also invited to a CFC Mass here at the Parish next Friday 21 st February 2025 from 6.30 p.m. in the evening. CFC wishes you a blissful and blessed
5. We wish to announce to you that one of the lined up activities
to celebrate our parish Jubilee Mass wedding. Those who wish
to solemnize their marriages are encouraged to register at the
parish office.
6. We continue to appeal to all to support our Prayer Garden
project. Please send your contribution and pledges to Paybill
no. 8998990. Account no. 300100. Cheques are payable to St.
Austin’s Prayer Garden Account.
1. Jumapili ya leo tarehe 16/02/2025 tunatamatisha wiki yetu ya
mavuno. Hundi ziandikwe kwa ST. AUSTIN’S PARISH. Paybill
No. yetu ni 593500.
2. Wapendwa wakristo, Wanandoa kwa ajili ya Kristo (Couple for
Christ) (C.F.C) hapa St. Austin’s wanatoa shukrani kwa ajili ya
kusherehekea Siku ya Ndoa Duniani na nadhiri mpya za ndoa
zenu wakati wa Misa hii. Jiunge nasi katika safari ya
kuimarisha ndoa zetu. Wale Wanandoa ambao wanataka
kujiunga na Wanandoa kwa ajili ya Kristo kwa ukarimu
wasiliana na katibu wetu Jacinta Mutangili nambari ni
0711345239. Pia unaalikwa kwenye Misa ya C.F.C hapa
Parokiani Ijumaa ijayo tarehe 21 Februari 2025 kuanzia saa
6.30 jioni. C.F.C wanatutakia ndoa yenye furaha na yenye
3. Leo kutakuwa na Misa ya wagonjwa na wale wanaowatunza
saa nane kamili mchana.
4. Wale wangependa kujiandikisha kwa ndoa za pamoja
wanaombwa kujiandikisha kwa ofisi ya parokia kwa sherehe za
5. Tunaendelea kuwaomba wote kuunga mkono mradi wetu wa Bustani ya Maombi (Prayer Garden). Tafadhali tuma mchango wako kwa Paybill no. 8998990. Akaunti ya 300100. Cheques zinalipwa kwa Akaunti ya Bustani ya Maombi ya St. Austin.
6. Watoto wa Kimisionari wa PMC watakuwa na Misa yao ya kila mwaka Jumamosi tarehe 22 Februari 2025 kwanzia saa 10:00 asubuhi. Ibada ya misa itafanyika katika uwanja wa St. Mary's. Watoto wote wanahimizwa kuhudhuria.